As a student in the online Distributed Learning program you can expect to:

  • Attend a mandatory group orientation to help  you understand online learning
  • Complete the Online Learning strategies course within the allotted time
  • Complete your first assignment from your academic course within two weeks after completing the Online Learning Strategies
  • Develop a course schedule under the guidance of your teacher
  • Drop into the Learning Support Storefront for assistance
  • Communicate regularly with your teacher at least once a week
  • Work at your own pace to meet your learning goals
  • Assignments to be handed in weekly

Subjects Available

  • Grade 10: Physical Education, Science, English, Social Studies,
    Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus,
    Apprenticeship & Workplace Math, Career & Life Education
  • Grade 11: Active Living, Biology, Physics, Chemistry,
    Social Studies, English, Foods, Science for Citizens,
    Pre-Calculus, Foundations of Math,
    Apprenticeship & Workplace Math,
    Family & Interpersonal Relationships
  • Grade 12: Active Living, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Digital Photography,
    Pre-Calculus, English, Foods, Foundations of Math,
    Social Justice,  Family & Interpersonal Relationships,
    Career & Life Communications, First Nation’s Studies, 20th Cent. World History