WestShore Centre for Learning and Training

 JDF Distributed Learning & Byte Alternative



Goal Number: 1


Goal Area: Building school-wide resiliency by emphasizing social and emotional learning in aspects of instruction, school culture, and social responsibility:




To foster a culture of empathy and creativity through creative expression and art

To engage our schools in a culture of Aboriginal Ways of knowing, and learning

To increase educator to student ratio with additional contact time and student tracking of academic progress



1.     To target time for the experiential learning, aboriginal education, and career development

2.     To invite staff to participate in training to develop student competencies in social and emotional skills  using philosophies of Dr. Martin Brokenleg (Circle of Courage), Self-Regulation – Stuart Shanker (York University – Toronto), and Ross Greene (Author/Educator – “Lost at School”).

3.     To address continuous entry and exit gaps focusing on transitions strategies to support all students

4.     To develop a presence of career education through the creation of a career education teacher co-ordinator position for all Alternate Schools




To increase the number of students returning to school, staying in school, graduation rates, and successfully completing courses


Goal Number: 2
Goal Area: As a staff engage in further training, development and implementation of Restitution strategies school wide.

1.     Implement common school language as per the Restitution guidelines

2.     Increase knowledge and use of the ‘Restitution tool kit’, using it to implement the program in the classroom and with the parents.



1.        My job is/Your job is used school wide

2.        Belief statement – reviewed by staff, students and parents

3.        On-going Staff Development and application of Restitution strategies in every school and reported on at monthly staff meetings

4.        Is there an increase in staff directly addressing and coaching students to self-regulate and problem-solve around behavioural challenges and conflict resolution throughout our schools?


Goal Number: 3



Goal Area:


Engaging Learners –  Differentiated Instruction and Assessment





To support growth of collaborative inquiry approach in staff structures





1.     To provide support in how to differentiate instruction and assessment strategies to engage all learners – staff development

2.     Support the integration of technology into classroom culture building on the Blended Learning initiatives already underway school wide.  (assistive technology & technologies for learning)

3.     To integrate collaborative inquiry into school structures e.g. staff meetings, leadership team meetings, staff development

4.     To support staff in continuing with their participation in the District Inquiry Teams Project following up from our experiences this past school year.





Increased number of teachers participating in staff development opportunities provided by the curriculum & learning support teachers