Conduct Expectations

The staff at Westshore believes that appropriate student conduct which is based on respect for oneself, for others, and their learning environment is essential to the development of responsible citizens.  Student conduct shall be in accordance with generally accepted community standards as defined by the BC Human Rights Code and appropriate for the educational environment.  Appropriate behaviour is a responsibility shared among the students, their parents, the school system, and the community.

The Code of Conduct will be discussed with students at the beginning of the school year and posted in prominent places at each WestShore Campus.

At WestShore and all District schools a “safe and caring school environment” is defined as one that is free of acts of:

  • Bullying, harassment, threat and intimidation
  • Violence of any form
  • Verbal, physical or sexual abuse
  • Discrimination, especially based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation (BC Human Rights Code)
  • Theft
  • Vandalism


At WestShore and all District schools a safe and caring school environment will not tolerate the presence of:


  • Intoxicating substances
  • Weapons and explosives
  • intruders or trespassers


WestShore School requires students to observe the following expectations:

  1. Attend school regularly, be punctual, and take responsibility for their own learning.   Student success occurs when students come to class ready, willing and able
  2. Observe school rules and the school code of conduct
  3. Respect the rights of others and their property
  4. Respect the health and safety of others
  5. Respect the educational process and the learning environment of others
  6. Respect the authority of all School District employees
  7. Conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to their school at all times